Eyelash Extensions

Woman goes viral on TikTok after lash extensions cause eye infection

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A woman has gone viral on TikTok after her botched eyelash extensions led to her being rushed to hospital with an infection.

Dyreante Notto, 24, a student from Louisiana, US, shared a before and after video of the treatment on TikTok, urging people to ‘do their research’ before booking in for lash extensions.

A few hours after going for her lash appointment, Dyreante’s eyes ‘wouldn’t stop burning,’ she said.

Not long after, they started to swell up.

‘I didn’t want to go back to the salon and let them take the extensions out because I already felt they had messed up my eye up,’ she said.

Instead, she tried removing the lashes herself, using oil. But while the right side came off with ease, the left lashes weren’t going anywhere.

‘Those lashes didn’t want to come off at all and I even tried to cut them down to access them more,’ she said ‘But nothing!’

Unsuccessful, she tried to wait it out, hoping the burning and swelling would go down, because she needed to prepare for an important exam.

As soon as she noticed swelling, Dyreante tried to remove the lashes herself (Credits: Jam Press/@itsdyreante)

‘As I began preparing for the exam, I told myself I could do it even though I could barely even see,’ Dyreante said.

‘I proceeded to place a large bandage over my right eye to stop my left eye from constantly leaking.

‘However, immediately after my exam, my sister had to rush me to the hospital because my eyes were in so much pain and my vision was completely blurred.’

Dyreante sat an exam with the infection (Picture: Jam Press/@itsdyreante)

It took a week to fully recover (Picture: Jam Press/@itsdyreante)

It turned out her eye was infected, and began to leak puss and fluids, she said.

Dyreante was put on an Intravenous Drip (IV) and was given medicine to stop the swelling, pain and infection.

It took a whole week before the swelling on her left eye went down.

The TikTok video shows the progress of the infection, from the moment she got her lashes done to her time in the hospital – and viewers were horrified.

Dyreante has sworn off lash extensions for the foreseeable (Credits: Jam Press/@itsdyreante)

‘New fear unlocked,’ wrote one TikTok user.

Another said: ‘Y’all make me want to stop wearing lashes in general.’

Another viewer said: ‘This is so scary, glad you’re getting better.’

Understandably, Dyreante has not had her lashes done since.

‘I only wear strip lashes now,’ she said.

‘I would say to people who want to get lash extensions to please do your research!

‘Do your research on the lash technician, do your research on the products that are going to be used, and do your research on your eyes.’

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