JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Using false eyelash extensions or commonly known as Eyelash Extensions is really hot, especially for women.
Apart from increasing self-confidence and making your appearance different, Eyelash Extensions also shorten make-up time, especially on the eyes.
So, to keep your face beautiful and natural when using Eyelash Extensions, here are tips from make up artist and beauty vlogger Vinna Gracia for simple make up.
First of all, Vinna usually starts from the eyebrows. Of course, the eyebrows you create must be adjusted to the thickness of your eyelashes.
“I usually just crying just a little, not much boldNo thick Really, the important thing is to match your eyelashes. Because when it comes to our eyelashes thick “But our bald eyebrows are also a bit scary,” he said at the opening of the Get Beauty beauty care outlet! by Your Pretty Lashes in Jakarta, Friday 14 June 2019.
After the eyebrows, don’t forget to still use eyeliner, but in this part you only apply it to the corners of your eyes.
The next stage, Vinna uses concealer under her eyes to cover acne.
When you have finished using concealer, continue using blush on and lipstick. Vinna suggests using matching blush on and lipstick, or using lipstick as blush on.
“I use blush on and lipstick together, so my blush is lipstick so it’s quick, you know,” said Vinna Gracia.
In the final stage, don’t forget to use Vinna highlighter on the face so that it still looks natural and not overdone.
Also read: 5 Mandatory Rules for Eyelash Extensions
(Nishya Gavril)
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