, Jakarta “I woke up like this”–this sentence seems to have become tag line for us women who wear long, curly, thick false eyelashes but they are temporary, eyelash extensions. This eyelash trend often steals the attention of those of us who want to have extra eyelashes, without having to effort use eyes makeup toolssuch as eyelash curlers and mascara.
Others, eyelash extensions can save time, energy and save shopping costs makeup. Practically, every day we don’t need to bother putting on eye make-up eyeliner And eyeshadow. Just having long and thick eyelashes will make your appearance on-point.
Well, we will hear a lot of the arguments above if we ask women who are pro’s of this eyelash extension trend. For other women who are against or doubtful about this beauty technology, the question often arises; Is it safe to do eyelash extensions? considering that this beauty trend is quite instant and practical, what about the health of natural eyelashes and skin areas?
Answering the questions above, from the team’s experience beauty FIMELA who have tried eyelash extensions, here are some answers that FIMELA found. For the pro-eyelash extension team, yes! FIMELA agrees with the practicality found when choosing to do eyelash extensions. However, as soon as he tried, FIMELA also found questions from the counter team. Is it safe to do eyelash extensions for the health of natural eyelashes and skin areas? Find the answers below.
Arisa Mukharliza – Beauty Editor
Points (+) Eyelash Extensions
Saving time makeup in the morning. For women who like to use less-makeup to the office, eyelash extensions are very helpful to make your appearance look more visible fresh, especially the eye area. Even though your eyes look tired, long and thick eyelashes help give the illusion of looking fresh, even when you’re not using them eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara.
Points (-) Eyelash Extensions
Natural eyelashes fall out easily? I found the opposite, what easily falls out is eyelash extensions. In less than 1 month, thick eyelashes look thinner. A reduction in the number of eyelash extensions that lasts less than 1 month makes the eyes look uncomfortable to look at. As a result, mascara must be used again to give the effect of thick looking eyelashes. Applying mascara is also useful for covering empty spaces caused by falling eyelashes.
For eye health?
It all comes back to our habits. While using these temporary false eyelashes, avoid the habit of holding your eyelashes with your fingers. If our fingers are not clean when touching our eyelashes, bacteria will stick to the eyelashes and cause the skin in the eye area to feel itchy. The point isit is very important to maintain the cleanliness of eyelashes, eye skin areas and other parts of the body.
Ratih Riandari – Marketing Communication
Points (+) Eyelash Extensions
For those of us who don’t have time to linger in front of the mirror makeup, Eyelash extensions are the most appropriate out-of-home ammunition. Eyelash extensions are also known as beauty hero. For those of us who have a busy time at the office, and often work overtime, there’s no need to worry about a sluggish facial appearance. Although lipstick and blush It’s faded, but the eye appearance is still optimal.
Points (-) Eyelash Extensions
Eyelash care becomes extra complicated. For example, when cleaning your face. We have to be more careful about cleaning the eye area. First, don’t rub it, you have to clean it gently if you don’t want your eyelashes to fall out and cause irritation. Others, every time you wake up, tag line “I woke up like this” only valid for 1 week. The rest of the eyelashes look messy. So you have to comb it often, like hair so that it doesn’t messy.
For eye health?
Eyelashes fall out easily, the skin in the eye area feels itchy, this happens “usually” because the eyelash adhesive glue is of poor quality. So, we should not just choose an eyelash extension clinic or beauty salon. Don’t be easily tempted by the price service the cheap one. Find out review The clinic/beauty salon that we will visit first will really help avoid the risk of natural eyelashes falling out, baldness, and itchy skin in the eye area.